The housing market has brought a beating throughout the last year and many with the major markets that exploded inside price were hit the particular hardest. States like Los angeles, Las Vegas and Nj-new jersey lost billions of money as house prices plummeted in to a seemingly bottomless pit. Now recently President Obama's home loan stimulus bill was a fairly good step in the proper direction but there are a few pretty big negatives in it that must be corrected. The main reason we have been still in this housing glut could be because of the massive amounts regarding foreclosures, and the only way we will escape this is to stop any longer foreclosures from happening. Obamas mortgage bailout bill up to now only will save the homeowners using a negative mortgage rate regarding 105 percent, meaning that when you have a home worth $100, 000 along with your mortgage is $105, 000 you are ok to acquire a mortgage modification plan if a mortgage is at $106, 000 you then are out of fortune. If this part with the mortgage bailout bill isnt changed then just about any homeowner in big towns like Florida and California that have negative mortgage rates of 140% and even higher. Hopefully the president and also certain members of the legislature can put more pressure to produce some modifications on this bill allowing for high negative mortgage rate homeowners to also qualify to get a mortgage modification. Its not the fault of the homeowners that their house prices sky-rocketed and came back down to be able to earth leaving them holding the bag on the mortgages. So far there was clearly a tiny glimmer of hope in Hillcrest as it experienced the first housing price gains in almost a couple of years. It will still acquire about 6 to 9 weeks for these foreclosures to work themselves out from the market but if we complete this time ok property prices should stabalize and commence moving upwards again. Lets hope the president acts quickly with this.

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